office Security

Keeping in mind the various areas for security, it is not enough to increase manpower and insulate your premises internally. It has become critical to develop a strong external security mechanism, which concentrates on vigilance, and assesses activities and monitors movement of people.

The key is developing an intelligent vigilance mechanism of people who are better equipped to assess activities, movements, and handle sensitive situations. This person will also be able to intelligently maneuver within the culture of staff working in offices located in the building, visitors and vendors.

Some broad areas of vigilance by our Security Officers would be to keep track of:

  • Suspicious Movement
  • Unidentified Objects
  • Crowd Build Up
  • Untoward Incidents
  • Police Patrolling
  • Rumors, News etc.
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime

Call Center Security & Safety

Ensuring that your call center is secure is critical, as any loss of confidential customer information can mean huge consequences for your organization, also large no. of female staff working adds an additional dimension to the prevailing security scenario.

Multiserv helps you achieve a secure, call center beginning with effective planning of security policies and practices. First, our security assessment identifies gaps that can be exploited by an intruder. Next, Multiserv focuses on the complex task of designing a secure infrastructure and helps ensure that the security measures defined in a policy are designed into the security framework.

Some broad areas of vigilance by our security officers would be to keep track of:

  • Suspicious Movement
  • Unidentified Objects
  • Cab Mangement
  • Untoward Incidents
  • Fire Safety Management
  • Rumors, News etc.
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime
Call Center Security & Safety

Retail Store Security & Safety

Securing the retail store environment has never been more important, or more necessary, than it is today. Store merchandise display is shifting from closed, proprietary systems to open, flexible systems that allow greater and more meaningful interaction with the customer, herein lies the challenge of managing security with customer convenience in mind.

A comprehensive security solution involves people process technology. Technology alone is not sufficient to mitigate the security threats to which most of today's retailers are exposed. Multiserv specializes in coverging technology, manpower and process to ensure complete safety of the retail stores.

Some broad areas of vigilance by our Security Officers would be to keep track of:

  • Suspicious Movement
  • Unidentified Objects
  • Crowd Build Up
  • Untoward Incidents
  • Police Patrolling
  • Rumors, News etc.
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime
  • Control Internal Employee Theft
  • Clarity on Footfall Counting
  • Greeting to Customers
  • Clarity on frisking of Staff Members
  • Clarity on checking of Bills
  • Grooming Standards
  • Clarity of Response in case of Customer issue
  • Fire Safety Awareness
  • Value of Holding the Store Key
  • Checking of Seal on Locks
  • Awareness of Emergency Numbers
  • General Handling of Customers
  • Importance of noting time of staff member & store incharge
  • Keep Account of Genset Running.
  • Critical Incident Reporting
Retail Store Security & Safety

School/ Hospital Security & Safety

Schools and Hospitals are the backbone of our society both children and elders need care, It has become critical to develop a strong external and internal security mechanism, which concentrates on vigilance, and assesses activities and monitors movement of people to ensure safety for everybody.

Multiserv provides administrators and staff with documented procedures to follow in the event of any kind of emergency or crisis situation. Full-time security officers and warderns are assigned to the entire premises. Other security officers rotate among the Early Learning Centers and the elementary schools. The security officer are specifically trained to handle children and elder member of the society.

Some broad areas of vigilance by our security officers would be to keep track of:

  • Suspicious Movement
  • Unidentified Objects
  • Crowd Build Up
  • Untoward Incidents
  • Police Patrolling
  • Rumors, News etc.
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime
  • Parent/Patient Management Fire Safety Management
School/ Hospital Security & Safety

Township (Residential & Commercial)Security & Safety

With Large no. of residences under one boundry, It has become critical to develop a strong external and internal security mechanism, which concentrates on vigilance, and assesses activities and monitors movement of people.

The key is developing an intelligent vigilance mechanism of people who are better equipped to assess activities, movements, and handle sensitive situations. This person will also be able to intelligently maneuver within the culture of staff working in offices located in the building, visitors and vendors.

Some broad areas of vigilance by our security officers would be to keep track of:

  • Suspicious Movement
  • Unidentified Objects
  • Crowd Build Up
  • Untoward Incidents
  • Police Patrolling
  • Rumors, News etc.
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime
  • Township Security & Safety

    Warehouse Security & Safety

    Companies have long understood that they have more to fear from dishonest employees than they do from thieves. For your warehouse, the losses are almost entirely internal; there are no customers to shoplift, and external thieves often work with an employee to gain access or information.

    The threat to your inventory and profitability is significant. It costs you in lost inventory, higher insurance premiums, and personnel turnover.

    Multiserv ensures that sufficient monitoring systems have been installed for high-risk areas. We ensure that unscheduled walk-throughs are done as they are very effective theft deterrents. Unpredictability is the key. We place special emphasis on the loading docks and platforms—they’re very easy places for a thief to remove stolen property, often in partnership with an outsider or an insider.

    Some broad areas of vigilance by our security officers would be to keep track of:

  • Suspicious Movement
  • Unidentified Objects
  • Fire Safety
  • Untoward Incidents
  • Checking of Seal on Locks
  • Awareness of Emergency Numbers
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime
  • Vehicles Parked for Overnight, Overtime
  • Warehouse afety
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